Matt Walkey
Matt Walkey is a Web Development student at SAIT polytech in Calgary AB, starting his own web design company in 2012 named Meter Room Productions, which also focuses on Music and Video Production.
He and Brad have been long time friends and was glad to get the opportunity to use his newly learned skills and help Brad build a ZombieAnts Blogspace, they also play in a local Calgary band together.
Matt is a busy working musician playing in several groups in Calgary over the last 10+ years, and has recorded on over 5 albums playing various instruments.
Matt will be handling all the content and updates being posted on ZombieAnts as well as future development and building as the site grows and evolves.
Brad van Paridon
I am a second year Ph.D student from the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada and will be the main contributor and contact for I completed a B.Sc in Biology from the U of L
before pursuing graduate school. During my undergrad I began an independent research project with Dr. Cameron Goater, using PCR to identify a ranavirus as the culprit in observed die offs of tiger
salamanders in the eastern Rocky Mountains. I am currently enrolled as a Ph.D student in the Goater lab working on Dicrocoelium dendriticum. When not working on parasite research I enjoy reading
and writing about science, from biology to physics I have a keen interest in all things science. I also am actively involved in the local music scene playing bass guitar in a band since 2010.
The outdoors is also a love of mine and I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, canoeing and skiing. All these interest combine to fill my time which is split between the cities of Calgary and Lethbridge.
I grew up in the city of Calgary which is two hours north of Lethbridge, both of which lie in the shadows of the Rockies. I am actively supported by a great group of friends, family as well as my
wonderful girlfriend Theresa Kisko who is also a graduate student at the University of Lethbridge, studying vocalizations and play behaviour in rats. Comments, thoughts, criticisms and collaborations
are always welcomed and appreciated. Feel free to contact me at